Here is another great coupon deal from Kraft for Fresh Take. If you go to Walmart they are a $1.49 so after coupon you pay .49 cents each. Awesome deal here is the link to print out your coupons.
you can usually print the coupon at least 3 times per computer so if you have more then one computer you can stock pile the coupons. And yes you can freeze the cheese packets just put in the freezer I will usually pull might out a few hours before I need it and put them in the fridge to thaw.
Here is a great deal on a FREE canvas print..You just pay shipping. I ordered my sons senior picture (that my sister-in-law took). An awesome deal below is a picture of my sons canvas print...Love it.
These are reading challenge
progress charts that we use
with our kids as incentives
for them to read on their own
or with one of us. Our kids
earn 'treats' from the Dollar
Store. Downloads for the spring, summer, fall and winter months.

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